I'm Kate

My story really began at the age of 20 when I packed up my belongings and left the east coast for Montana

I grew up in a rural town in upstate New York. I am a great granddaughter to a cattle rancher so agriculture is in my blood!
In the summers as a teenager I would visit Montana with my best friend. We spent our days riding cow ponies bareback across the prairie and swimming in the river that ran through their property on the east side of the Belt Mountains.
When I would return to New York I filled the rest of my time riding and showing horses but always dreaming of moving back to Montana. After I graduated high school I worked for a few years on various horse farms before I decided to take the leap and make the move!

I had no idea at the time... 

that I would become a photographer. I was in love with every medium of art I could get my hands on. After I moved to Montana, I decided to go to college for photography. The hours would pass unknowingly in the dark room developing and printing my film images. It was there that my passion took hold and it developed as I traveled Montana, photographing its land and people. 

After I graduated, I slowly built my business while raising my kids on a ranch in Central Montana. I discovered that my favorite subjects were the people and their connection to each other, the land and their animals. I learned that ranching and building a business in a small town was hard work. Making lasting connections with the people I photographed was easy and probably the most rewarding. 

I have always had a love for the inner workings of the human psyche and heart. That love has helped me develop the insight to know how each persons heart wants to be seen. If you ask me, there is beauty and genuine love in every moment. One snapshot has the ability to capture that. 

a few of my favorite things

My Border Collies! with out them I would be lost! I always joke that "I need something to feed"! Stock Dog trialing started off as a hobby when my kids went off to college but it quickly grew into an obsession. With that came the addition of not just one but three of the most loyal and loving creatures. They constantly amaze me with their intelligence and devotion!

Matt Kahn's book "All for Love"... well all of Matt Kahn's books, youtube etc! Look him up. He's awesome!

Schitt's Creek and Hart of Dixie are my very favorite shows. Not just because of the non-stop laughs but also helps keeps my perspective on living in a small town.

I am a crystal junkie and Labradorite is one of my new favorite stones! It's extremely helpful for people who tend to overwork. It helps regain energy while aiding the body and spirit in healing itself. 

The Art of Love Tarot: I have many decks to give me a little guidance and perspective but this one has always stands out to me!

Steven Forrest is my go to for all things astrology! He has so many resources and books! I am a newbie at astrology but am completely fascinated by explaining the inner workings of a human with their birth chart!

Yoga!!! It started as a love hate relationship with the slow intentional movements but 15 years later I am a loyal enthusiast to the practice, not just for benefit of my body but also for the the meditative aspects as well! And... I am always hopeful that someday I will pull off that handstand! Boho Beautiful, Shiva Rea, and Rodney Yee are a few of my favorite instructors

Here are some of my must-haves, things that inspire me, make me laugh, keep me sane! 

the daily life

"I HAVE A DEEPLY HIDDEN and inarticulate desire for something beyond the daily life."




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