I'm Kate

I thought it might be fun to document my journey taking pictures and running a business while living and raising my kids in a small town; population 200.

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Hoversland Family Spring 2022

It is a great joy to be able to photograph a family over many years time. I love getting to know my families, watching their children grow up, and seeing the family grow together is a special experience. As a photographer, I am often invited into a family’s most intimate moments. An honor I do not take lightly and I find it more and more meaningful as I get older.

It was pretty special to me to be able to photograph both Kit Francie and Renzi Ross’s, newborn photos. Mom and Dad, you have a knack for the most adorable names.

Just two years apart, both girls have years ahead of them to bring so much joy and laughter to the Hoversland household! And let’s not forget the best big brother Keegan who keeps the sweet and firey Kit grounded and entertained.

As a side note, I have started offering Family Albums to my collections. I remember the days when my mom would put every single picture in an album. Similar to a collection of encyclopedias, these albums are still around and take up an entire bottom of our bookshelf. I remember as a kid getting those albums out and pouring over them for hours. With the digital age upon us, I admit I have not made an album since my kids were little. It’s too easy to store everything on a phone. I am hopeful that these albums will help bring family photos to life and make them more front and center. One less reason to look on our phones too 🙂

The format for these photos is the page design for the album.

With Love,

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Hi, I'm Kate, 

Mother to two teenage kids and two border collies. To say the least my life is busy. My business is my passion, like it should be, and in typical virgo fashion, you won't find me half assing something (yes I swear sometimes) and I prefer to have everything neat and tidy aside from my pickup because dogs don't allow for that.

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SEVEN DIAMOND photography

Capturing life in the rural world


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