
Patterson Family

Western Lifestyle Family Photoshoot

I couldn’t have asked for a more full of life, lots of laughs family. We spent about an hour touring their property and then hanging out in their arena. I tried to keep most of the shoot candid with a few prompts and poses here and there. This is a family that works together and plays together. Highlighting their time in the roping arena is who they are as a family and what they love to do!

My biggest takeaway was learning how to be a better fly on the wall or the horse 🙂 When we got to the arena photos I really enjoyed just being a part of the action and grabbing some gorgeous moments as the sun set.

My biggest disappointment is that those golden moments never last long enough!

These guys did a great job of just having fun and letting their bond with each other shine through! As we traveled around the ranch I just felt like one of the family hanging out and enjoying the beautiful fall day. One pro of having a family shoot is a designated hour or two with just you guys! …and me of course 😉


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